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U potrazi za istinom, kroz životne lekcije, došao sam u kontakt sa duhovnom tehnikom Svete Trojice. Ova jednostavna tehnika, koji primenjujem svaki dan, mi je pomogla da rešim mnoge zdravstvene tegobe i životne probleme. Uz Svetu Trojicu sam se duhovno razvio i otkrio velike mogućnosti koje ova tehnika pruža, ne samo za moj razvoj, već i za pomoć drugima u skladu sa voljom Stvaraoca. Prenosim tehniku Svete Trioce uživo i preko weba na srpskom i engleskom jeziku. Duhovnu tehniku Svete Trojice prenosim uživo i putem weba, na srpskom i engleskom jeziku.

In search of truth, through life lessons, I came into contact with the spiritual technique of Sveta Trojica. This simple technique, which I practice every day, has helped me resolve many health issues and life problems. With Sveta Trojica, I have spiritually evolved and discovered the great potential that this technique provides, not only for my personal growth but also for helping others in accordance with the will of the Creator. I teach the Sveta Trojica technique both in person and online, in Serbian and English.